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Mayor: Kasim Reed (2010-18)

Political commentary 


Summarize events here 


In the AHA’s annual Catalyst Implementation plan for 2010 it proposes use of AHA “MTW Funds” to provide “Gap funding” to encourage redevelopment of former housing projects, Gap funding was proposed due to the decline in value of tax credits in preceding years and investor market’s hesitancy to invest in volatile market of tax credits[1]


AHA and their “private sector development partners”[2] are “working to close four mixed-income, mixed-finance transactions to advance the revitalization plans for Harris and Grady Homes”[3]





[2] Not explicitly named in the report, but the relevant private sector partners at the time refers primarily to the “Integral Group”



Deal entered into between Renee Glover and Integral group (Egbert Perry, CEO) to sell the vacant land where Capital Homes, and three(?) other former projects stood. -- CITE!!!




Renee Glover steps down from AHA leadership


Last destruction of low income property under AHA control – according to interview with Akira Drake Rodriguez – NEED TO FIND THIS IN HER BOOK – idk which one this is..?[1]




US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded a Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant to revitalize the former University Homes public housing site.

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